P&C Association

Join us at 7:00pm, 1st Tuesday of every month (Term Time)

Want to get more involved in the school? Rosalie P&C is the place to start.

Each month, the P&C meets to progress the P&C’s activities and hear from the Principal and staff about what’s happening in the school.

P&C meetings are held in the school staff room on the first Tuesday of each month (during term). All parents and carers are very welcome to come along.

What is the P&C?

Established under the Education Act of 1999, P&C Associations are the forum for parents and guardians of children to get involved in their local school.

Our P&C exists to:

  • encourage parents to participate in developing the school’s education policy
  • foster parent participation and involvement in the school
  • be the forum for parents to discuss issues pertaining to the school and its community and for gathering opinions
  • provide extra amenities for the benefit of students
  • promote and support communication and cooperation within the school community
  • have representation on the School Board– the official body which steers the school policy

Rosalie P&C works in direct response to the needs of our school community, in accordance with guidelines established by the West Australian Council of State School Organisations (WACCSO).


All the funds raised have to be spent for the benefit of the students.

Rosalie P&C raises money in three main ways:

  • Voluntary annual contribution from parents. At Rosalie we are fortunate that almost all parents make this contribution.
  • Major fundraising events during year. In the past this has included the Rosalie Fete, Quiz Nights and more.
  • Small-scale events at intervals throughout each year.

Each year, the P&C fund activities such as the Artist in Residence Program, sports activities and money is given to each teacher for extra materials. P&C support is crucial to providing extra amenity and opportunities we so value at Rosalie.

All P&C expenditure is discussed and voted on at P&C Meetings. All parents are entitled to vote on payment of a $1 annual P&C membership fee.

P&C Meeting Minutes

Approved Minutes of Meetings

P&C Policies

Social Media Policy

Fundraising Policy

Healthy Food & Drink Policy

Allergy Aware Policy


Email: info@rosaliepc.com.au