School Board

As an Independent Public School, Rosalie Primary School operates under a School Board consisting of parents, staff and community members. Board members are elected for a maximum of 3 years and community members are appointed. The School Board operates separately to the P&C which has representation within the Board itself.

The role of the School’s Board is one of setting the long term future for the school and in providing additional expertise to help the school achieve the best outcome for every student.

The School Board meets once a term, usually in Week 5. Additional meetings may be called as required.

Copies of the Minutes of Meetings are available for viewing at the school office or will be emailed upon request to

Public school councils and boards information package

Rosalie Primary School Public School Review Report March 2021

School Board Role

Latest School Board Meeting Minutes


Monique Kerr

Chair & Parent Representative


Dion Leeuwenburg

Vice Chair & Parent Representative
Alex and her husband Byron have been a part of the Rosalie community since 2014. They have two children attending Rosalie, Zoe in Year 4 and Remy in Year 1.  Rosalie is well supported through an active community and provides an invigorating learning environment.  Building on this great foundation will achieve great outcomes for all of our children. Alex is a Senior Business Analyst, with extensive experience in developing, implementing and measuring the success of business plans. She studied economics and arts at the Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra, and more recently, Project Management at Curtin. Alex is keen to add value to the Rosalie community through effective responses to school issues and bring about positive change.  She will strive to achieve the Rosalie vision of a ‘community that supports and challenges our students to achieve their personal best and celebrates their efforts and successes’.

Samantha Nadilo

Parent Representative
Samantha has been part of the Rosalie community since 2019. She is passionate about Rosalie being a safe, supportive and inclusive community for all and sees the parent-school relationship as particularly important and that parents and students alike are supported through various milestones or transitions. Samantha is a commercial Barrister with over 15 years’ legal experience. She is currently a Non-Executive Director of the WA Justice Association, which is a student-run organisation aimed at improving outcomes for people coming in contact with the criminal justice system.’.

Michelle Nash

M.Ed (School Leadership )
School Principal 

Michelle was appointed as Principal at Rosalie Primary School in 2023. She is a passionate and dedicated advocate for high quality public education and has a strong focus on ensuring each and every student thrives in school and life. Michelle was previously the Principal of East Hamilton Hill Primary School, foundation Deputy at Oakwood Primary School, and Deputy at Golden Bay, Kelmscott, and Comet Bay Primary Schools, bringing over a decade of diverse contextual leadership experience to Rosalie. With a Masters Degree in School Leadership, Michelle leads a with a dynamic strategic vision that places children at the heart. She is incredibly proud to be part of the Rosalie community, and looking forward to continuing to build on the successful foundations that will see the school maintain and grow a trajectory of excellence into the future.

Chris Nener

B Ed (Kindergarten – Year 7) Grad Cert. (Linguistics – TESOL)
Associate Principal & Staff Representative
Chris Nener joined the Rosalie School Community in Term 1, 2018. He has worked in the education field for over a decade. He started in Central Office, assisting with the National Aboriginal Early Childhood Project, which involved creating educational resources for teachers all over the State, with a focus on our Aboriginal students in regional and remote schools. This was a wonderful opportunity to see the dedication of WA teachers first hand, especially in the Pilbara and Kimberley. When the project finished he moved to Bangkok, Thailand and taught for three years, picking up a little Thai language and a habit for spicy food in the process. Missing Perth’s amazing beaches he moved back to Perth and spent the next 4 years in a variety of roles at Churchlands Primary School, including Year 2 teacher, ICT Coordinator and Associate Principal before heading over to Rosalie in 2018. Chris loves the strong community spirit and friendliness of the staff, parents and students at Rosalie. His education vision is to help students develop a growth mindset, where they have the tools and knowledge to see challenges as opportunities and are never afraid of making mistakes in the learning process.

Erinne Wheatland

B Business (Human Resources Management) Grad Dip (Education) Grad Dip (Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing in Education) 
Staff Representative
Erinne is currently a Year 6 teacher and team leader, who is dedicated to fostering a dynamic, supportive and enriching learning environment. She firmly believes in the transformative power of education and the inherent potential within each student waiting to be unlocked. Erinne obtained over 20 years of experience working in financial services organisations, including in a leadership capacity, before she embarked on a career in education.  Her two children attended Rosalie Primary School 2016 – 2023 and she is an active member of the Rosalie P&C and Shenton Park community.

Annie Macnab

BA, Dip Ed, Dip Management FAITD
Community Representative
Annie has been associated with Rosalie Primary school since her first child began Year 1 in 1988. From then until her younger child graduated from Year 7 in 1998 she was involved in a number of school activities. For different reasons helping to build the adventure playground, tree planting at Miling, uniform shop duty, helping with cooking classes, school excursions, looking after the school budgie, and fundraising stand out in her memory! She was also P&C Secretary, P&C President, and a member of the School Council at different times. Annie is now privileged to be a School Patron and a community member on the Rosalie School Board.

Until her retirement from the full time work force in 2011 Annie was a business manager at UWA and previously worked as head of the department of management studies at Central TAFE. For a number of years prior to that she ran her own management consultancy. Her skills include financial management, human resource management, project management, services marketing, OH&S, and strategic and operational planning. She was an Access and Equity Advisor and an Ally at UWA and supports a fair go for all. Annie loves Rosalie (the place where her children learned to read and write) and will always promote it in a favourable light to the local and wider communities. Her home phone number is 9381 4251.


Joanne Marriott

Parent Representative

Joanne has been involved in the Rosalie community since 2019. Along the way she’s helped out with busy bees, kindy camp out, volunteered for the Writers Festival, facilitated collaborative team challenges for the STEM festival, organised social and emotional learning workshops for parents and has supported the strategic planning and staff development activities for the school.

Professionally, she’s a leadership coach, consultant and facilitator and her company MOJO Creative Leadership + Culture is focused on developing future focused leaders, designing and facilitating leadership and team development programs and building organisational culture and capability in line with strategic goals. She works with corporate leadership teams, for purpose organisations and schools, and has 15 years’ experience with an international management consulting firm, supporting global resources companies with organisational transformation.

Danica Pannekoek

B Ed (Hons)
Staff Representative

Danica Pannekoek has been part of the Rosalie Primary School community since she first arrived at Rosalie as a graduate teacher in 2010. She loves being a teacher at Rosalie and encouraging the students to be their own unique selves, celebrating all the different ways that her students can learn. She is passionate about the environment and sustainability, sewing and flamboyant assembly items. Danica is now excited to start a new journey at Rosalie, as a parent, with her son starting kindy in 2023.

Megan O’Rourke

BEc; LLB(Hons); LLM; MTeach

Staff Representative

After a long career as a corporate/finance lawyer, Megan became a teacher.  She has been a member of the Rosalie teaching team since 2021 (having done extensive relief teaching at the school in 2020).  She has taught in both the junior years (Year 1) and the senior years (year 5).  Megan became a teacher because she truly believes in the transformative impact of education.  She hopes to create a classroom environment where students are encouraged to be curious and to develop a deep love of learning.

Elle Wisdom

Parent Representative

Elle has lived in Shenton Park and been involved with the Rosalie community since 2018. Her husband Jeremy and Elle are dedicated parents to their three children, aged 10, 7, and 3, who are an integral part of their lives. They own two Physiotherapy clinics in Nedlands and Claremont, providing community-based health services. Elle studied Commerce & Arts at Deakin University, and prior to starting her own businesses, she was the Executive Manager of Human Resources for non-profit organisations, such as the West Australian Symphony Orchestra and the Professional Golfers’ Association. Elle has extensive experience in organisational management, effective communication, and collaborative decision-making. She has been a Rosalie P&C volunteer for many years – managing the communications for the Fete and organising multiple Silent Auction events to help raise funds for our school. Elle believes parents play a pivotal role in shaping a school’s culture and direction, and she values fostering open communication and accountability.